
Alder is not really a safe home remedy tree though some traditional families do keep some dried bark in their remedy supplies. With direction from a professional herbalist material from the Alder tree could be very useful, and quite powerful for releasing toxins. It is a safe tree to handle though and does have very practical uses.

As with all natural remedies consumption of Alder
should be guided by a qualified herbalist or physician.
This information here is for information purposes only,
and certainly not for prescription.

best use ...  

first aid to stop bleeding after an accident

qualities of Alder are said to be ...

astringent - reduces digestive fluid loss, constricts tissues such as stop bleeding
bitter - fluid lost through bile, another cleansing and detox action
cathartic - strong laxative
diuretic - increases urination, useful when clearing toxins
mucilaginous - sticky substance useful for external use to stop bleeding

relationship to its myth word?  sensing  

When a poultice of alder is placed upon a cut or sprain its like the feel of a sacred unseen healer placing its hands on you. This is a sensation that is not received from alder if we are well, but seems to be there if we need to be rescued for a moment, and our sense are ignited.

toxicity? ...  as all plants have a nourishing level and toxic level

As a first aid, crushing up some alder twigs and leaves and applying to a cut is one way to stop bleeding after an accident. though with some people it soon gets very itchy.

Internally, there is an ancient cottage remedy of using stored very dry bark in liquid as a food poison stomach remedy but this is quite risky as new alder or alder that has allowed in some moisture can make symptoms worse and increase vomiting, increase its laxative properties and cause serious weakness. So it is best to use alder remedies only when guided by a herbalist.

to read about the crafting potential of Alder, please click here